
Maria Rogl

Sutler with Nazi father
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
Since I was eighteen, seventeen, eighteen years. And since I'm with the band of a follower. Do you know what that means? Those are among the bands front double-edged girls who go with the brandy keg. Having the "Schnapspanzele" cape. And liquor is sold. That is revenue for the music. We had costumes, custom costumes, beautiful hats, just as it should be, to the land and the village to match. We have therefore had advantages. Our music was in a beautiful dress, in their "painting Defregger-dress". She has been very well known and very popular. And as he spoke to me as a sutler - that was in 1938 when Adolf Hitler invaded Austria - was told. "On April 18, Adolf Hitler came to Klagenfurt Klagenfurt, you can imagine And at that time! I was young. And I have only so listen. And I have got to listen, listen, listen zuhorchen. I am then at that time on it first arrived, my father was quite a wild Nazi!